90% of sites on neocities nowadays:

"Hi, welcome to my webpage! It has neon colors! Here are my 27 pronouns and the shitty roblox character I am married too!"

"My whole style is basically emo blackface! X3 XD Rawr Rowr Winrar."

Why you keep making this site:

    Listen to me.
    Look at me.
    You have brain damage.
    You left Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc.
    But they did not leave you.
    That sack of fluid in your head has been conditioned by them on what you create, and what you view.
    You look at the websites with the top hits on this platform, and you aspire to be exactly like them. Word for word.
    And the same goes the other way, only viewing websites because they look like all the others. You've done it for years.
    In it's own way, it creates a pseudo algorithm, the one you wanted to get away from in the first place.
    You need to rip the bug out of your head, and crush it.

Zoomer Clarification:

A Zoomer complains about a ham sandwich:

"Now, I am not saying that anyone is invalid for liking ham, or liking sandwiches. Or anyone who likes ham and sandwiches together. But, I am saying, in my personal opinion, that ham sandwhiches, to me, are not exactly the best sandwich choice. And again, I mean no hate or ill will to the ham and sandwhich communities, I am just clarifying this is my own opinion on how I prefer my own, sandwiches, in my own opinion. It should not be taken as fact that I disparage anyone else's choice in the matter, everyone should be able to enjoy any sandwich type they want."

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